Quickslab services


We have manufactured pre-cast concrete slab systems for many years, as per structural engineers’ designs. Coupled with our experience in the wider construction industry, we are well placed to offer advice on building projects.

We also offer a range of other value-adding services:


We can do the following:

  • Provide council forms for an engineer’s appointment and completion.
  • Complete NHBRC forms to enrol your project.
  • Draft and submit engineer’s designs for any relevant structural concrete components.
  • Do structural concrete drawings and slab system layouts.
  • Manufacture concrete ribs as per the engineer’s design.
  • Cut, bend and deliver welded mesh and reinforcing, as per the engineer’s bending schedules and design.
  • Provide DCP tests to investigate soil conditions and compaction tests on filled areas.
  • Conduct engineer’s inspections prior to casting the concrete of any structural component.
  • Inspect timber trusses – if we are appointed on the project.
  • Manufacture the concrete ribs if designed by an independent consulting engineer.
  • Provide qualified staff to assist and consult on site (by arrangement and for limited time).


Although the rib and block concrete slab system is very easy to install, we have nominated qualified, experienced contractors who can:

  • Give an additional quote if this service will be needed.
  • Install the rib and block on site to the engineer’s specification.
  • Provide shuttering for in-situ slabs, walls, columns, beams and staircases.
  • Fix the reinforcing on site, as per the engineer’s bending schedules.
  • Supply and place the concrete for the projects we install and do shutter work.


We deliver our rib and block materials to site, and our staff will offload the material.

Contact us about our services for your building project.